Enterprise Data Science

Enterprise Data Science

Data science is the art of delivering value through data. Providing this value to a customer often requires a complex business understanding, mathematics, and computer science practice.

** Enterprise data science supports effective and efficient decisions within a company’s value chain. **

This homepage is a living document defining, archiving, and explaining basic principles of performing data science tasks within an enterprise.

  • The blog describes individual articles, opinions, best practices, which are published as well through other channels, e.g. LinkedIn
  • The lecture docs are tailored to the lectures given at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany.

Homepage Principles

This Enterprise Data Science homepage follows the following principles:

  1. Simplicity in formulation and explanation of business execution and its link to data-driven decisions
  2. Illustration of data science application within an enterprise context using well-known design frameworks across the business and the IT/software world.
  3. Explanation of data-driven decisions within business constraints and business processes by referring to data sources, source code, and real-life business problems
  4. Consistently increasing the scope of content and the number of contributors helping to curate the complex dependencies with a focus on teaching and scientific excellence.
  5. Content should be available via GITHUB while using various data-driven services


Currently, I am a digital strategy manager at Roche Diagnostics, Germany. Before, I was working for Camelot ITLab GmbH and Blue Yonder GmbH in various roles. I worked as a developer, product manager, and consultant.

As an analytics translator, my primary work comprises the question: How to add value to a company’s asset type data? Answering this question is more than statistical data algorithms or technical programming. It is the art to integrate data-driven design principles within the complex world of large scale enterprises.

I am still a lecturer of data science at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany.