Data science for personalized trend detection


During my work as a data scientist I carefully follow the trends in the field of artificial intelligence. This post describes one task I regularly perform to analyze the value proposition of different companies During the last years I collected data and the value proposition of more than 2k data science companies.

When playing with the data pool I do most of the time fast prototyping while working with new service in the market to see if they meet my expectations. In part, I have tested different Machine Learning Service from different providers (mainly SAP and Azure) for topic detection. As a data scientists I always try to combine a purpose (business understanding) with IT and machine learning know-how.

Since data science is more than machine learning I would like to point out the different techniques I used in the background for the rapid prototyping. Rapid prototyping or hacking is just like playing ‘LEGO’ - you have to know the right libraries / services. Please remember the rule of thumb:

from prototype to production requires x100 more effort

Data Science work should always follow a certain iterative data science process: value -> model -> evaluation -> usage. Otherwise, you get lost in time spent by falling in love with real fun - machine learning.

One overall summary of this snapshot: 80% of the time is spent for data crawling / cleaning. I changed my own business objective of this exercise 3 times :-)

  • Business Objective (personal): always being up to with new data science trends, checking value propositions, and perform automated ,digital maturity’ test of companies
  • Data Crawling / Cleaning: I realized to my surprise that twitter and of cause ,hacker news’ could be a good starting point to learn the latest trends. Most of the time I use available python packages (example description) for web crawling or a local tika server (launched via docker) to extract metadata and text from different file types (such as PPT, XLS, and PDF).
  • Model Building / Value Enrichment: Google geocoding API to convert raw addresses to Lat & Lng Coordinates, machine learning services for topic detection and translation service. One technique / library I like a lot from natural language processing is automated text summarization. Note, that all these techniques are using machine learning techniques to extract or enrich value information.
  • Data Visualization: often I use Leaflet maps (see figure, only 100 locations), it gives me a dynamic mapping of company locations, their value messages and the direct link for more information. In the background I implemented search options to filter companies on specific topics ( e.g. Supply Chain + Data Science).
  • Usage: most of the time I explain these techniques in my data science lecture at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern. Additionally, in the last year I realize more and more the real value and great possibilities of the already cleaned and analyzed data. For any questions or comments, just reply to this post or send me a message.

Leaflet example

  • Zoom out to see all companies
  • Click on location to see the extracted text from web Crawling (done in 2018)
  • Only 200 companies are included

Some Python snippets

Popup via folium wrapper. Manipulating the data in python and visualize interactive maps via leaflet

  import folium
  import json
  from pprint import pprint

  m = folium.Map(location=[45.5236, -122.6750])
  folium.Marker([45.5236, -122.6750], popup='<i>Mt. Hood Meadows</i>').add_to(m)